Start Your Career in Diving
Become a Dive Pro
Diving Career Opportunities
Part-time or full-time at a dive center
International dive resorts
Caribbean cruise ships
Retail within a domestic dive center and resort
With time and experience own a dive business
Why Go Pro With Dive Georgia?
3 Course Directors
Experienced Industry Professionals
Modern Classroom
Grand Cayman Immersive Learning Available
Leadership Levels
The Divemaster program is designed to train experienced and knowledgeable divers to organize and conduct enjoyable open water dives for certified divers.
The Instructor Training Course is designed to train and qualify Instructor member applicants. During the course, candidate instructors learn effective methods to teach skin and scuba diving.
DFA Pro Instructor Courses
Diving First Aid Instructor
NAUI powered by DAN’s Diving First Aid Instructor course is designed to equip NAUI Instructors with the skills to teach Diving First Aid to students
Comprehensive Dive Industry
Related Education Add-Ons
PSI Visual Cylinder Inspection
This is the core certification course provided by PSI-PCI. In it, we teach the regulations and fundamentals of conducting visual inspections of solid wall and composite SCUBA and SCBA cylinders.
PSI Oxygen Cylinder Cleaning Technician
The PSI-PCI course covers gas industry standards, Federal requirements, real world cleaning, inspection and use techniques that will keep you and your customers safe and compliant when using O2.
PSI Valve Repair Technician
This course provides a broad overview of valve types, valve repair and valve care and maintenance. It is approved and contributed to by many valve manufacturers.