Frequently asked questions
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Certifications & Learning
8 hours of online eLearning
Saturday/Sunday all day in the pool (Confined Water)
Saturday/Sunday all day completing the certification dives (Open Water)
All PADI required material is included (Open Water eLearning, log book, PADI student planning slate, blank writing slate, and surface signal tube). We also include all air cylinders, lead weight, and the use of our BCD and regulator if needed.
Each student must own Mask, Fins, Boots, Snorkel, Dive Computer, and Wetsuit. We offer our students a Dive Georgia in store gift for purchasing these items through us.
8-10 hours
We use the Cherokee Aquatic Center for our Confined Water pool dives.
Dive Georgia uses a variety of Open Water facilities in Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Florida, and throughout the Caribbean. You will have many available options for completing your open water dives.
10 years old is the minimum age to participate in the Open Water certification class.
We believe through gear ownership each student will have a safer and more enjoyable experience underwater. Owning your own personal equipment will prepare you for your underwater exploration.
We do not require students to own their own BCD or Regulator. This is included in the cost of the class. However, it is just like all the other personal equipment in that if a student has their own they will have a more enjoyable experience underwater.
If you need to change the date of your class and your class is more than 30 days out we will move you to another day of your choosing at no charge. However, if your class date is within 30 days and you need to change the date, you will be responsible for re-enrolling in the class. This will incur full class tuition.
Yes, you can enroll in the PADI Discover Scuba Diving class. This will allow you to try scuba in the safe confines of the pool.
Yes, if you have a trip planned and you wish to do the certification dives elsewhere you can. This is called a referral. If you wish to do the certification dives with us on one of our trips you can do that as well.
Gear Service & Rentals
Dive Georgia services all brands we sell in store (Atomic, Zeagle, Oceanic, Hollis, Suunto, Scubapro, Sherwood, OTS).
No, we require all students to own a dive computer if taking classes or traveling with us.
No, we do not Hydrostatic test cylinders. We do the yearly visual inspection required to have your cylinder filled.
Regulator service should be completed every 2-3 years depending on your Make/Model. On the odd year you should have your regulator bench tested in order to assure the IP in the 1st stage is correct.
Equipment you can be returned within 30 days of purchase in unused condition.